February 9, 2012

Tattooed pelican

A tattooed pelican smoking a cigar on sunset... aaaah, that's life...

HoundDog machine project

Here the first prototype of HoundDog tattoo machine!
Just tested today and it works perfectly... I'm going to make a limited production, if you're interested in, stay tuned... or email me at hounddogtattoo@gmail.com

Spare time...

Little secret... that's what a tattooist does in his spare time... tattooing!
In this picture my work mate Cecilia, please visit her blog:

February 4, 2012


Finally I ended the clown (http://hounddogtattoo.blogspot.com/2011/11/clown-in-progress.html)... almost proud... it was a long job but, as usual, I'm never completely satisfied and probably, I will do again a fine tuning session... that it's frustrating! 

Full moon...
